Aggiunto all'elenco partenti
Data | Nazione | Sportivi |
09-04 10:30 | Inghilterra | Chelsea, |
09-04 10:30 | Inghilterra | Liverpool, |
09-04 10:30 | Inghilterra | Manchester City, |
09-04 10:30 | Germania | Bayern München, |
09-04 10:30 | Portogallo | Benfica, |
09-04 10:30 | Spagna | Atlético Madrid, |
09-04 10:30 | Spagna | Real Madrid, |
09-04 10:30 | Spagna | Villarreal, |
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- FEBRERO 2022
World Cup Qualifiers (Teams) 01/03-02
Bundesliga (Teams) 21
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 26
LaLiga (RtFT) 23
LaLiga (Teams) 23
Serie A (Teams) 24
Eredivisie (Teams) 21
Super League (Teams) 20
Premier League (RtFT) 24
Premier League (Teams) 24
Wednesday League (Teams) 5
Eredivisie (Teams) 22
Bundesliga (Teams) 22
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 27
LaLiga (Teams) 24
Premier League (Teams) 25
Serie A (Teams) 25
Super League (Teams) 21
Champions League (Teams) Last 16 - 1
Fantasy Champions League 15-02
Fantasy Champions League 16-02
European Football (RtFT) 16/17-02
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) PO 1 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) PO 1 - 2
Bundesliga (Teams) 23
LaLiga (Teams) 25
Premier League (Teams) 26
Serie A (Teams) 26
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 28
Eredivisie (Teams) 23
Super League (Teams) 22
League Football (RtFT) 20-02
European Football (RtFT) 22/24-02
Fantasy Champions League 22-02
Fantasy Champions League 23-02
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) PO 2 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) PO 2 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 24
Bundesliga (Teams) 24
LaLiga (Teams) 26
Premier League (Teams) 27/EFL Cup
Serie A (Teams) 27
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 29
Super League (Teams) 23
- MARZO 2022
Eredivisie (Teams) 25
Bundesliga (RtFT) 25
Bundesliga (Teams) 25
LaLiga (Teams) 27
Premier League (Teams) 28
Serie A (Teams) 28
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 30
Super League (Teams) 24
Champions League (Teams) Last 16 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 08-03
European Football (RtFT) 09/10-03
Fantasy Champions League 09-03
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Last 16 1 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Last 16 1 - 2
Eredivisie (RtFT) 26
Eredivisie (Teams) 26
LaLiga (Teams) 28
Premier League (Teams) 29
Serie A (Teams) 29
Bundesliga (Teams) 26
Super League (Teams) 25
Monday League (Teams) 7
European Football (RtFT) 15/17-03
Fantasy Champions League 15-03
Fantasy Champions League 16-03
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Last 16 2 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Last 16 2 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 27
Bundesliga (Teams) 27
Serie A (Teams) 30
LaLiga (Teams) 29
Super League (Teams) 26
World Cup Qualifiers (RtFT) 24/25-03
World Cup Qualifiers (Teams) 24/25-03
International Football (Teams) 26/28-03
International Football (RtFT) 29/30-03
International Football (Teams) 29/30-03
- ABRIL 2022
Bundesliga (Teams) 28
Premier League (RtFT) 31
Premier League (Teams) 31
LaLiga (Teams) 30
Serie A (Teams) 31
Eredivisie (Teams) 28
Super League (Teams) 27
Champions League (Teams) Quarter-Finals - 1
Fantasy Champions League 05-04
European Football (RtFT) 06/07-04
Fantasy Champions League 06-04
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) QF - 1
Eredivisie (Teams) 29
Bundesliga (Teams) 29
LaLiga (Teams) 31
Premier League (Teams) 32
Serie A (Teams) 32
Super League (Teams) 28
Champions League (Teams) Quarter-Finals - 2
Fantasy Champions League 12-04
European Football (RtFT) 13/14-04
Fantasy Champions League 13-04
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) QF - 2
Serie A (Teams) 33
LaLiga (Teams) 32
Premier League (Teams) 33/FA Cup
Bundesliga (RtFT) 30
Bundesliga (Teams) 30
Super League (Teams) 29
Fantasy PSV - Ajax (Cup Final)
LaLiga (Teams) 33
Wednesday Football (RtFT) 20-04
Eredivisie (Teams) 30
Bundesliga (Teams) 31
Premier League (RtFT) 34
Premier League (Teams) 34
Serie A (Teams) 34
Super League (Teams) 30
European Semi-Finals (RtFT) 26/28-04
Fantasy Manchester City - Real Madrid
European Semi-Finals (Teams) 26/28-04
Fantasy Liverpool - Villarreal
Eredivisie (Teams) 31
Bundesliga (Teams) 32
LaLiga (Teams) 34
Premier League (Teams) 35
Serie A (Teams) 35
- MAYO 2022
Super League (Teams) 31
League Football (RtFT) 01/02-05
European Semi-Finals (RtFT) 03/05-05
Fantasy Villarreal - Liverpool
European Semi-Finals (Teams) 03/05-05
Fantasy Real Madrid - Manchester City
Eredivisie (Teams) 32
Bundesliga (Teams) 33
Serie A (Teams) 36
LaLiga (Teams) 35
Premier League (Teams) 36
League Football (RtFT) 08-05
LaLiga (Teams) 36
League Football (RtFT) 11-05
Eredivisie (Teams) 33
Serie A (Teams) 37
Road to Football Teams Final
Bundesliga (Teams) 34
Premier League (Teams) 37
Eredivisie (Teams) 34
LaLiga (Teams) 37
Fantasy Eintracht Frankfurt - Rangers FC
LaLiga (Teams) 38
Serie A (Teams) 38
Premier League (Teams) 38
Fantasy AS Roma - Feyenoord
Fantasy Liverpool - Real Madrid
- JUNIO 2022
- JULIO 2022
- AGOSTO 2022
Champions League (Teams) Q3 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Q3 - 1
Fantasy 7 Leagues Club Football
Eredivisie (Teams) 1
Bundesliga (Teams) 1
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 3
Premier League (Teams) 1
Super League (Teams) 1
League Football (RtFT) 07-08
Champions League (Teams) Q3 - 2
Fantasy Real Madrid - Eintracht Frankfurt
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) Q3 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 2
Eredivisie (RtFT) 2
Bundesliga (Teams) 2
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 4
LaLiga (Teams) 1
Premier League (Teams) 2
Serie A (Teams) 1
Super League (Teams) 2
Champions League (Teams) Play-offs - 1
Europa League (Teams) Play-offs - 1
Europa Conference League (Teams) Play-offs - 1
LaLiga (Teams) 2
Bundesliga (Teams) 3
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 5
Premier League (Teams) 3
Eredivisie (Teams) 3
Serie A (Teams) 2
Super League (Teams) 3
League Football (RtFT) 21/22-08
Monday League (Teams) 1
Fantasy Manchester United - Liverpool
Champions League (Teams) Play-offs - 2
Europa League (Teams) Play-offs - 2
Europa Conference League (Teams) Play-offs - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 4
LaLiga (Teams) 3
Bundesliga (Teams) 4
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 6
Premier League (Teams) 4
Premier League (RtFT) 4
Serie A (Teams) 3
Super League (Teams) 4
Serie A (Teams) 4
Serie A (RtFT) 4
Premier League (Teams) 5
Ligue 1 (Teams) 5
Wednesday League (Teams) 1
Eredivisie (Teams) 5
Bundesliga (RtFT) 5
Bundesliga (Teams) 5
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 7
LaLiga (Teams) 4
Premier League (Teams) 6
Serie A (Teams) 5
Super League (Teams) 5
Champions League (Budget)
Fantasy Champions League 2022/2023
Champions League (Teams) 1 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 1
Fantasy Champions League 1 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 1 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 1 - 2
Europa League (Budget)
Europa Conference League (Budget)
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 1 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 1
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 1 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 6
Bundesliga (Teams) 6
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 8
LaLiga (Teams) 5
Serie A (Teams) 6
Super League (Teams) 6
Champions League (Teams) 2 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 2
Fantasy Champions League 2 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 2 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 2 - 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 2 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 2 - 2
Fantasy Eredivisie 2022/2023
Eredivisie (Teams) 7
Bundesliga (Teams) 7
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 9
LaLiga (RtFT) 6
LaLiga (Teams) 6
Serie A (Teams) 7
Super League (Teams) 7
Nations League (RtFT) 22/24-09
Nations League (Teams) 22-09
Nations League (Teams) 23-09
Nations League (Teams) 24-09
Nations League (Teams) 25-09
Nations League (RtFT) 25/27-09
Nations League (Teams) 26-09
Nations League (Teams) 27-09
Bundesliga (Teams) 8
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 10
LaLiga (Teams) 7
- OCTUBRE 2022
Fantasy Premier League 2022/2023
Premier League (Teams) 9
Serie A (Teams) 8
Eredivisie (Teams) 8
League Football (RtFT) 02-10
Super League (Teams) 8
Champions League (Teams) 3 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 3
Fantasy Champions League 3 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 3 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 3 - 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 3 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 3
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 3 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 9
Bundesliga (Teams) 9
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 11
LaLiga (Teams) 8
Serie A (Teams) 9
Premier League (Teams) 10
Fantasy Premier League 10
Super League (Teams) 9
Champions League (Teams) 4 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 4
Fantasy Champions League 4 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 4 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 4 - 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 4 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 4
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 4 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 10
Bundesliga (Teams) 10
Jupiler Pro League (RtFT) 12
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 12
LaLiga (Teams) 9
Premier League (Teams) 11
Serie A (Teams) 10
Fantasy Premier League 11
Super League (Teams) 10
Fantasy Real Madrid - Barcelona
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 13
LaLiga (Teams) 10
Premier League (RtFT) 12
Premier League (Teams) 12
Wednesday League (Teams) 2
Fantasy Premier League 12
Thursday League (Teams) 1
Bundesliga (Teams) 11
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 14
Serie A (Teams) 11
Premier League (Teams) 13
LaLiga (Teams) 11
Fantasy Premier League 13
Eredivisie (Teams) 11
League Football (RtFT) 23-10
Super League (Teams) 11
Champions League (Teams) 5 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 5
Fantasy Champions League 5 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 5 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 5 - 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 5 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 5
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 5 - 2
Bundesliga (Teams) 12
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 15
LaLiga (Teams) 12
Premier League (Teams) 14
Serie A (Teams) 12
Fantasy Premier League 14
Eredivisie (Teams) 12
Super League (Teams) 12
Champions League (Teams) 6 - 1
Champions League (RtFT) 6
Fantasy Champions League 6 - 1
Champions League (Teams) 6 - 2
Fantasy Champions League 6 - 2
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 6 - 1
Europa (Conference) League (RtFT) 6
Europa (Conference) League (Teams) 6 - 2
Eredivisie (Teams) 13
Bundesliga (Teams) 13
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 16
LaLiga (Teams) 13
Serie A (Teams) 13
Premier League (Teams) 15
Fantasy Premier League 15
League Football (RtFT) 06-11
Super League (Teams) 13
Fantasy Ajax - PSV
Bundesliga (Teams) 14
Serie A (Teams) 14
LaLiga (RtFT) 14
LaLiga (Teams) 14
Wednesday League (Teams) 3
Thursday League (Teams) 2
Eredivisie (RtFT) 14
Eredivisie (Teams) 14
Bundesliga (Teams) 15
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 17
Premier League (Teams) 16
Serie A (Teams) 15
Fantasy Premier League 16
Super League (Teams) 14
World Cup Football (Budget)
Fantasy World Cup Football
World Cup Football (Teams) 1 - 1
World Cup Football (RtFT) 1
Fantasy Senegal - Netherlands
Fantasy France - Australia
World Cup Football (Teams) 1 - 2
Fantasy Belgium - Canada
World Cup Football (RtFT) 2
Fantasy Brazil - Serbia
World Cup Football (Teams) 2 - 1
Fantasy Netherlands - Ecuador
Fantasy England - United States
Fantasy France - Denmark
Fantasy Argentina - Mexico
World Cup Football (Teams) 2 - 2
Fantasy Belgium - Morocco
World Cup Football (RtFT) 3
Fantasy Spain - Germany
Fantasy Brazil - Switzerland
Fantasy Portugal - Uruguay
World Cup Football (Teams) 3 - 1
Fantasy World Cup Group A
Fantasy World Cup Group B
Fantasy World Cup Group D
World Cup Football (RtFT) 4
Fantasy World Cup Group C
World Cup Football (Teams) 3 - 2
Fantasy World Cup Group F
Fantasy World Cup Group E
Fantasy World Cup Group H
Fantasy World Cup Group G
World Cup Football (RtFT) Round of 16
World Cup Football (Teams) Round of 16
Fantasy Netherlands - United States
Fantasy Argentina - Australia
Fantasy France - Poland
Fantasy England - Senegal
Fantasy Japan - Croatia
Fantasy Brazil - South Korea
Fantasy Morocco - Spain
Fantasy Portugal - Switzerland
World Cup (RtFT) Quarter-Finals
World Cup Football (Teams) Quarter-Finals
Fantasy Croatia - Brazil
Fantasy Netherlands - Argentina
Fantasy Morocco - Portugal
Fantasy England - France
Fantasy Argentina - Croatia
Fantasy France - Morocco
Fantasy Croatia - Morocco
Fantasy Argentina - France
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 18
Premier League (RtFT) 17
Premier League (Teams) 17
Fantasy Arsenal - West Ham United
Ligue 1 (Teams) 16
LaLiga (Teams) 15
Premier League (RtFT) 18
Premier League (Teams) 18
- ENERO 2023
Ligue 1 (Teams) 17
Premier League (Teams) 19
Fantasy Arsenal - Newcastle United
Serie A (RtFT) 16
Serie A (Teams) 16
Fantasy Chelsea - Manchester City
Eredivisie (RtFT) 15
Eredivisie (Teams) 15
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 19
LaLiga (Teams) 16
Serie A (Teams) 17
Super League (Teams) 15
Cup Football (RtFT) 10/12-01
Cup Football (Teams) 10/12-01
Ligue 1 (Teams) 18
Fantasy Fulham - Chelsea
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 20
Serie A (Teams) 18
LaLiga (Teams) 17
Premier League (RtFT) 20
Premier League (Teams) 20
Fantasy Manchester United - Manchester City
Eredivisie (Teams) 16
Super League (Teams) 16
Jupiler Pro League (RtFT) 21
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 21
Fantasy Manchester City - Tottenham Hotspur
Eredivisie (Teams) 17
Bundesliga (RtFT) 16
Bundesliga (Teams) 16
LaLiga (Teams) 18
Premier League (Teams) 21
Serie A (Teams) 19
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 22
Super League (Teams) 17
Fantasy Feyenoord - Ajax
Bundesliga (Teams) 17
Eredivisie (Teams) 18
League Football (RtFT) 25-01
Bundesliga (Teams) 18
Jupiler Pro League (Teams) 23
LaLiga (Teams) 19
Serie A (Teams) 20
Eredivisie (Teams) 19
League Football (RtFT) 29-01
Super League (Teams) 18
Elenco partenti Champions League (Teams) Quarter-Finals - 2
(Squadre di calcio:
8) Inizia il mar 12 apr 2022, 21:00
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